Statistics:   15242 Mobile Devices  |  1097 Carrier Networks  |  Latest update 29 May 2022

Will My Phone Work?

Have you ever asked the question, “Will my mobile phone work with a certain mobile carrier?” Perhaps you're traveling to another country and want to make sure your smartphone works there. You could even be selling a cellular phone and need a website to point people to when they ask if the phone works on a certain carrier. can help you find the answer you're looking for.

All you need to do is select a mobile device (cellphone, smartphone, or tablet) from the drop-down lists below. Then, choose a mobile carrier network that you would like to use the device on.

It’s that SIMPLE! Our goal is to be the most accurate and definitive source for device compatibility information.

Getting started


How To Interpret The Results

When performing a search, you will be presented with three networks: 2G, 3G, and 4G LTE.

For the technical savvy, we have included the network frequencies that match between the mobile device and the network carrier. Also, we consider HSPA+ to be 3G.

Note: Will My Phone Work assumes that your device is unlocked or allowed to be run on the desired mobile network. Certain carriers such as Verizon USA have an "approved list" of devices. This means that although the phone is compatible with the carrier's network frequencies, the device is blocked. Also, some carriers make frequencies/bands available only to specific geographical regions.


Icon Legend

Result Device is compatible with the network carrier

Result Device is compatible with some of the network carriers frequencies. It may work.

Result Device is not compatible with the network carrier